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Neem>> Azadirachta Indica
Neem Tree: Azadirachta Indica A Juss
Neem, Nature's best Alternative Medicine to Mankind, Natural, highly effective, yet not known.
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Azadirachta Indica ?
Neem ?

So many of us came to know reg. this wonderful word only in this last 10 yrs., right ?

The word " NEEM " is now so fast spreading that eventually NEEM shall be as synonymous as Alternative Medicine, thanks to Indians who passed the knowledge reg. its utilisation from generations to generations. Foreigners too learnt about this miraculous plant and few also carried seeds with them to grow in their respective countries. Indians settled abroad too followed the suit and soon NEEM started growing in many Countries.

However the quality of NEEM Seeds & their components inside has always remained an mystery. No single plant can yield same type of Seeds yielding same quality of NEEM OIL with same no. of Components in same Ratio !!

Recently Westerners have shown considerable interest in this wonderful tree ( Properties are in this website )and they have started importing NEEM PRODUCTS ( many listed on this website ) , with many of them sourcing from their established contacts and others venture to find new contacts or NEEM SPECIALISTS such as us. Few initially ventured into NEEM by sourcing from 1-2 US Companies ( who are the best marketers in the World, which we must agree always ). But when they realised that Indian Cos. can also offer Equivalent/Better quality at Cheaper Price, Large range of Neem Tree Products, Customised Neem Products, the shift started and is clearly seen by our Customer testimonials.

We all now only must take care that NEEM's name is not spoilt in International Market by few Indian and other Companies who for sake of quick money export any type of Neem Oil they lay their hands on.

It is really sad to see that Suppliers do not educate the Importer perfectly reg. what NEEM is, what are the various uses, in what various forms can be NEEM be used for etc..

No doubt some Cos. ( sorry..we cannot name them ) who have imported NEEM from India ( not from us ) and have their websites define NEEM as : NAME FOR EXTRACT OF BARK OF AN INDIAN TREE !! HOW RIDICULOUS !! Even when Mr Mehta, our Managing Partner told them reg. the improper defination, they have not heeded, thereby confusing others on the Net.

Mr Mehta has already met 2 Indian Exporters and explained them their failure to get repeat orders due to their poor knowledge on Neem leading to improper selection of product exported.. Today they always call Mr Mehta for technical discussion with their Foreign buyer who visits them.

Its our plea to one & all who are associated with NEEM, pls. treat this Tree as its name :
AZADIRACHTA INDICA A JUSS ( FREE TREE OF INDIA ). No, we do not mean that you give away everything Free, but at least you treat the knowledge seeker or importer in a proper way and impart whatever possible to your Company's or individual capacity.

Lets Wish the best of Health to all and to those whom we shall pass this Nature's best legacy: NEEM TREE